In addition, the deletion of data thoroughly, can not recover very little when we have to use. Quick delete or Quick Format is convenient because freeing up the space used by a file is much faster than deleting it completely. Why aren't the operating systems doing that? Because it is a slow and difficult process. The only way to remove crops is to securely delete the data. The plot before it has been invaded by weeds (temporary files), or before it has been bred again, they can recover many previous crops ( data recovery ). When you tell the system to delete a file, it has the file plot and removes the fence, allowing anyone to jump in and start developing a different crop. Each plot has a different crop (data), an owner, access rights, and other properties. Imagine that your hard drive is like a large piece of land, in which each file is a parcel. The easiest way to understand why a computer does not permanently delete files just by pressing Delete, Shift + Delete or Format. So to know the mechanism of deleting files on Windows like? How to permanently delete data properly. Read more: How to recover deleted files or Format

You should know that the files you deleted in the above ways can be recovered, the problem is only difficult or easy.

Because all of that data can be recovered by data recovery tools.

You can not be assured that when you have Shift + Delete or Format the whole drive, your data has been completely erased. However, the concept of permanently deleting a file above is completely wrong. The second option is: Shift + Delete or Format the drive commonly known as ' permanent delete '. When you want to delete a file, a folder on Windows will have two options: Normal Delete - The file is placed in the Recycle bin and you can get there easily.